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Playground equipment design - from disability-friendly to inclusive:

Playground design specifically tailored to the needs of individuals with various physical, sensory, or cognitive impairments (disabilities). This often includes special play equipment and access points that are accessible to individuals with disabilities but may not be usable by all children.

Barrier-Free: A barrier-free playground allows unrestricted use for all individuals, regardless of physical or cognitive impairments, age groups, or other individual characteristics. This may include wide pathways, ramps, and access points that enable wheelchair users and other individuals with mobility limitations to move freely.

Integrative: Integrative playground design encourages children with and without disabilities to play together. Special play equipment and activities are offered that enable all children to interact together and learn from each other. A further step towards inclusion.

Inclusive: An inclusive playground creates an environment where all children, adolescents, and adults are welcome and can fully participate regardless of their individual characteristics or abilities. This can be achieved through a diverse selection of play equipment and activities as well as a supportive atmosphere that encourages the inclusion of all.